Mohamed El Amine Seddik
Lead Researcher,
Technology Innovation Institute
Mohamed El Amine Seddik is a lead researcher at the Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi. He obtained his M.Sc. in Data Science and Machine Learning from the institute Mines-Telecom of Lille-Douai with the final year completed between Telecom ParisTech and ENS Paris-Saclay in 2017, he then completed a Ph.D. in Signal and Image Processing at Centrale-Supélec and the University Paris-Saclay in 2020 and conducted postdoctoral research at Ecole Polytechnique in 2021. He also worked as a researcher at the Mathematical and Algorithmics Research Lab within Huawei Technologies France in Paris. His main research interests include machine learning, deep learning, random matrix theory, high-dimensional statistics, and generative modeling.