The AI Summit London Conference and Expo


Mai Do

Mai Do

Responsible AI / Ethical AI Researcher, Airbus

Mai serves as a Responsible AI Specialist at Airbus and is a dedicated researcher. Her work centers on the critical interplay between AI policy, ethics, and responsible innovation. Her diverse experience empowers her to address both the technical complexities and socio-ethical considerations essential for the ethical development and implementation of emerging technologies.

Mai's background in AI Ethics research, coupled with her industry experience driving product accessibility at Microsoft, provides her with unique insights into inclusive technology development. Her work analyzing AI policies in Latin America at Tecnológico de Monterrey further strengthens her expertise in ethical and responsible technology innovation. She holds a master's degree in Responsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology from the Technical University of Munich.


The AI Summit London 2024 Supporters Included:

Headline Partners


Industry Partners


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Gold Sponsors


Feature Sponsors

Substrate AI - AI Accelerator Hub Sponsor   Barclays & Mishcon Future - AI Accelerator Hub Sponsor   EY - Accelerator Hub Sponsor   The Garden, powered by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands    Fetch AI - Hackathon Partner   AI Business TV - Studio Sponsor   Nebius AI -Start-Up Party Sponsor   EY - VisionAIres VIP Lounge Sponsor OVHcloud - VIP Party SponsorPwC & Gov of Canada - Speaker Lounge Sponsors

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Media & Strategic Partners