Giovanna Miritello
Big & Data AI Manager,
Giovanna Miritello is an experienced data scientist with a demonstrated track record of leading teams to deliver commercial impact through analytics, experimentation, and advanced data techniques. She currently works as a Data Science Manager at Vodafone, where she is responsible for maximising customer value and experience from data through delivering scalable machine learning and AI solutions. She is passionate about data and how its analysis and applications can help us to better understand human behaviour and eventually improve our society. She holds a Ph.D. in Mathematical Engineering and her doctoral thesis on “Temporal patterns of human communication in social networks" was published by Springer as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis. Giovanna is also co-founder of Databeers, a worldwide non profit organisation focused on sharing data stories and applications. From 2014 Databeers has expanded to 40+ cities in different continents.