The AI Summit London Conference and Expo

The AI Summit London 2024


The Global Push for Sustainability: Leveraging AI for environmental impact

12 Jun 2024
VisionAIres VIP Lounge
VisionAIres VIP Programme

FIRESIDE CHAT: Join Industry leaders to discuss AI technologies continuing global sustainability endeavors and strategies for business engagement. As ESG initiatives become increasingly important to shareholders and drive the value of enterprises, the measurement of these initiatives needs to be regulated and tracked which can be heavily supported by AI technologies. Conversations will also include the analysis of optimal methods for seamless integrations across varied industrial sectors.

Dr. Harvey Lewis, Partner, Artificial Intelligence, EY UK & Ireland - EY
Dr. David Pugh, Director of Sustainable Industry - Digital Catapult
Jarmo Eskelinen, Executive Director, Data Driven Innovation - University of Edinburgh

The AI Summit London 2024 Supporters Included:

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Industry Partners


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Gold Sponsors


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Substrate AI - AI Accelerator Hub Sponsor   Barclays & Mishcon Future - AI Accelerator Hub Sponsor   EY - Accelerator Hub Sponsor   The Garden, powered by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands    Fetch AI - Hackathon Partner   AI Business TV - Studio Sponsor   Nebius AI -Start-Up Party Sponsor   EY - VisionAIres VIP Lounge Sponsor OVHcloud - VIP Party SponsorPwC & Gov of Canada - Speaker Lounge Sponsors

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