The AI Summit London Conference and Expo

The AI Summit London 2024


Building Production-Ready RAG Chatbots on the Nebius AI platform: Booth 105

12 Jun 2024
Demo Agenda

This demo is about how to build a knowledge-based chatbot with RAG in production. Our demo will utilize most famous and widely used technologies and software, like NVIDIA® H100 Tensor Core GPUs, Kubernetes, Cuda, Triton Server, TensorRT, Milvus, PyTorch, and Llama model.

The AI Summit London 2024 Supporters Included:

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Substrate AI - AI Accelerator Hub Sponsor   Barclays & Mishcon Future - AI Accelerator Hub Sponsor   EY - Accelerator Hub Sponsor   The Garden, powered by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands    Fetch AI - Hackathon Partner   AI Business TV - Studio Sponsor   Nebius AI -Start-Up Party Sponsor   EY - VisionAIres VIP Lounge Sponsor OVHcloud - VIP Party SponsorPwC & Gov of Canada - Speaker Lounge Sponsors

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