The AI Summit London Conference and Expo


Kai Zenner

Kai Zenner

Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser, European Parliament
Kai Zenner is Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for MEP Axel Voss (European People's Party Group) in the European Parliament. Describing himself as a digital enthusiast, he focuses on AI, data and the EU's digital transition. Currently, he is involved in the political negotiations on the AI Act, the AI liability directive, the eprivacy Regulation and a potential GDPR revision. In his individual capacity, he is pushing for reforms within the European Parliament and for bringing back the Better Regulation agenda to EU policymaking. Mr Zenner graduated in political science (M.Sc. at University of Edinburgh, B.A. at University of Bremen) and in law (State Exam at University of Münster). Before moving to the European Parliament, he worked as research associate at the European office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in.

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